Sunday, August 8, 2010


One of the first things I do of a morning is check my e-mail and blogs. E-mails to see if the kids have sent a message and the blog of my cousin Freddie. Each day she has something new to be grateful for. Today it was an attachment to an e-mail I had sent nice to feel that something you liked brought good memories to someone else.

It's a joke around my house because in doing genealogy I spent a lot of time at the computer and my kids laugh about grandma hunting bones and sending e-mails all over. Grandma got on facebook, that was really funny to them, but it is the best way I know to keep up with them.

It depends on the matter covered in the e-mails who receives them. I have a couple in Springdale I have known since 1959 who want jokes......and a cousin in California wants jokes with her morning the last thing I do before I shut off the computer is e-mail them jokes. E-mails regarding animals (especially baby animals) go out to the grandchildren to show to the great grandchildren. Blonde jokes go to the blondes in the family. And so it goes.

It was a pleasant surprise to see that Freddie was grateful for my e-mail. Freddie and her three sisters sang like birds. They harmonized so well together. I was not raised in Arkansas and so for years we only saw one another at funerals, so I referred to them as my funeral cousins. As life brings people together, it brought three of the girls and I together at different times thru the years, the fourth lived too far away but I know we would of enjoyed knowing one another. When Freddie moved to Bella Vista we created a friendship that has grown thru the years. We may not see one another often but when we do, we just pick up like we had seen one another yesterday. The last time we were together was for a funeral, what else? We went with her oldest sister and her husband and oh, so much catching up we have to do when we get together.
I will continue to send the e-mails, and hope someone gets something from them. Freddie's dad would of loved e-mail, for he loved to laugh. My grandmother was sitting in her rocker laughing at a joke he had told her when she died, she went out of this life enjoying life, just the way she lived it. Thanks Freddie for that memory.

1 comment:

  1. Daddy enjoyed Aunt Susie as we girls did, he did spend a great deal of time visiting with her. Loved your post.
